Sunday 22 February 2009

My first post

I guess my first post should be something about me, some sort of introduction. Well, I'm due to have a baby any day now. I already have one little girl and don't know what the next one is going to be. I can't wait though! At the moment it feels like I've been pregnant forever and despite everyone telling me what a neat little bump I have I feel huge and have been ready to have this baby for the last week or so!
Obviously I'm hoping everything goes well with the birth, but this time I feel a lot more prepared. I've been reading about Hypnobirthing (HypnoBirthing by Marie Mongan) and listening to a Natal Hypnotherapy CD (Effective birth preparation). I've not actually been to any classes but feel like I've learnt a lot using the book and CD. The principal is brilliant, it is the fear of pain that brings about the actual pain and not actually birth itself. If you are fearful then your body will be tense which will cause pain. So by releasing your fears towards childbirth and focusing on breathing, relaxing and visualisations you can work with your body to birth your baby as calmly, safely and naturally as possible. So this time I am actually looking forward to the birth rather than fearing it. Hopefully everything will go as well as we're expecting and I'll be able to blog this to you sometime in the near future!

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